Basic Setup

Setting up the react-native-paywall library is simple and straightforward. Follow the steps below to get started with integrating the PaywallComponent in your React Native application.

Initializing usePaywall

To use the PaywallComponent, start by importing and initializing the usePaywall hook. This hook provides all the necessary methods to display and manage your paywalls.

Try the Demo

You can experiment with the react-native-paywall component directly in the browser:

Example: A Simple Paywall

Here's a basic example of integrating the react-native-paywall into a simple app:

import React from 'react';
import { View, Button } from 'react-native';
import { usePaywall } from 'react-native-paywall';

const App = () => {
  // Initialize the usePaywall hook
  const { showPaywall, hidePaywall, PaywallComponent } = usePaywall();

  return (
    <View style={{ flex: 1, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center' }}>
      {/* Button to trigger the paywall */}
      <Button title="Show Paywall" onPress={() => showPaywall('istanbul')} />

      {/* Render the paywall component */}
        onContinue={(selectedIndex) => {
          console.log(`User continued with plan index: ${selectedIndex}`);
          hidePaywall(); // Hide the paywall after selection
        headerText="Ignite your child's curiosity"
        descriptionText="Get access to all our educational content trusted by thousands of parents"
        buttonText="Subscribe Now"
            identifier: '$rc_monthly',
            product: {
              title: 'Monthly Plan',
              priceString: '$4.99',
            identifier: '$rc_annual',
            product: {
              title: 'Annual Plan',
              priceString: '$39.99',

export default App;

Step-by-Step Explanation

  1. Import the Hook and Component
    Import the usePaywall hook and PaywallComponent from the library.

  2. Initialize usePaywall
    Call the usePaywall hook to access the following methods:

    • showPaywall: Display the paywall with a specific type (e.g., 'istanbul').
    • hidePaywall: Hide the currently displayed paywall.
    • PaywallComponent: The UI component for the paywall.
  3. Trigger the Paywall
    Use the showPaywall method to display the paywall. Pass a unique type (e.g., 'istanbul') to differentiate between multiple paywalls.

  4. Customize the Component
    Pass props to PaywallComponent to configure the paywall:

    • Content Props: headerText, descriptionText, buttonText, and products.
    • Styling Props: backgroundColor, buttonBgColor, buttonTextColor.
  5. Handle User Actions
    Use onContinue to handle the user's selection and hidePaywall to close the paywall.